Volvo Cars and CoPilot

Developers are Happier and More Satisfied in Their Coding Environment (

I rarely summarize other blogg articles, but this one is an exception. I felt that things like that have been in the making, so this one is no surprise. Well, a bit of surprise, as this seems to be an experience of super-modern technology in a business where software has long been on the second place.

Based on the article, six months into its rollout, developers have reported significant efficiency gains, with some tasks like unit testing seeing up to a 40% increase in productivity. Copilot’s ability to assist with testing, explaining, and generating code has allowed developers to spend more time in a “flow state,” enhancing creativity and problem-solving.

Developers at Volvo Cars are happier and find their work more enjoyable, with 75% noting increased satisfaction. The tool has also improved communication among team members, fostering better interactions and sharper problem-solving.

Anyways, this shows that companies are no longer affraid of using generative AI technologies in practice. Let’s just wait and more of this.

Author: Miroslaw Staron

I’m professor in Software Engineering at IT faculty. I usually blog about interesting articles (for me) and my own reflections on the development of Software Engineering, AI, computer science and automotive software.