On the Use of ChatGPT for Code Review (article review)

3661167.3661183 (acm.org)

CoPilot and other tools have been used increasingly often, but mostly for testing and for programming. Now, the questions is whether these kind of tools help much in such tasks as code review.

This paper explores how developers utilize ChatGPT in the code review process and their reactions to the AI-generated feedback. This research analyzed 229 review comments from 205 pull requests across 179 projects to understand the purposes and effectiveness of ChatGPT in code review.

The found that:

  • Developers primarily use ChatGPT for two main purposes: referencing and outsourcing. These purposes were further categorized into several sub-categories:
  • Developers used ChatGPT to gain understanding and support their opinions, including tasks such as refactoring, implementation, design, non-programming tasks, testing, documentation, and others.
  • Developers directly asked ChatGPT to resolve specific issues. This included implementation, refactoring, bug-fixing, reviewing, testing, design, documentation, and other tasks.

The study found a mixed reaction to ChatGPT-generated reviews, which is not really surprised given that it is a new technology and code reviews are not only for review, but also for learning:

  • Positive Reactions (64%): A majority of the responses were positive, indicating that developers found the AI’s suggestions helpful.
  • Negative Reactions (30.7%): A significant portion of responses were negative. The primary reasons for dissatisfaction included the solutions not bringing extra benefits, containing bugs, or not aligning with developers’ preferred coding styles.

However, what I find really interesting.

  • Enhanced Prompt Strategies: Effective use of ChatGPT requires well-crafted prompts to maximize the AI’s potential in generating useful code reviews.
  • Tool Integration: Integrating ChatGPT with existing development tools can streamline the review process.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regular assessment and refinement of ChatGPT’s outputs are necessary to ensure high-quality code reviews.

These three points are kind of cool, because they mean that we need to learn how to instruct and use these tools. That means that we loose something (knowledge about our products), while we need to learn more general skills about prompting…

Investigating Large Language Models for Code Generation on GitHub (article review)


Again, on the topic of generative AI for programming. I’ve found this interesting article that reviewed the state of the adoption. It examines the use of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot in software development. In short, they find that:

  1. ChatGPT and Copilot dominate code generation on GitHub, primarily for small projects led by individuals or small teams.
  2. These tools are mainly used for Python, Java, and TypeScript, generating short, low-complexity code snippets.
  3. Projects with LLM-generated code evolve continuously but exhibit fewer bug-related modifications.

So, although so many LLMs exist, it is still ChatGPT and CoPilot that have the largest share of the market. IMHO this is because of the ecosystem. It’s not enough to have an LLM, but we need to be able to access internet, interact with the model and also get it to be trained using our examples.

Human-centric AI (article review)

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


In artificial intelligence (AI), the conversation is shifting from mere technological advancements to the implications these innovations have on society. The paper “Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence: From Principles to Practice” focuses on the concept of designing AI systems that prioritize human values and societal well-being. It’s not my usual reading, but it caught my attention because of the title close to one of the programs that our faculty has.

Key Principles of Human-Centric AI

The paper outlines several core principles necessary for the development of human-centric AI:

  1. Transparency: AI systems must be transparent, providing clear insights into how decisions are made.
  2. Fairness: Ensuring that AI systems operate without bias and are equitable in their decision-making processes.
  3. Accountability: Developers and organizations must be accountable for the AI systems they create. This involves implementing mechanisms to monitor AI behavior and mitigate harm.
  4. Privacy: Protecting user data is paramount. AI systems should be designed to safeguard personal information and respect user privacy.
  5. Robustness: AI systems must be reliable and secure, capable of performing consistently under varying conditions and resilient to potential attacks.

It seems to me that the journey towards human-centric AI is still not taken, we have not achieved our goals. Balancing innovation with ethical considerations can be difficult, especially in a fast-paced technological landscape.

As we continue to integrate AI into more products, services and thus various aspects of society, the emphasis on human-centric principles will be crucial in ensuring that these technologies benefit humanity as a whole. We need to keep an eye on these developments.

Volvo Cars and CoPilot

Developers are Happier and More Satisfied in Their Coding Environment (microsoft.com)

I rarely summarize other blogg articles, but this one is an exception. I felt that things like that have been in the making, so this one is no surprise. Well, a bit of surprise, as this seems to be an experience of super-modern technology in a business where software has long been on the second place.

Based on the article, six months into its rollout, developers have reported significant efficiency gains, with some tasks like unit testing seeing up to a 40% increase in productivity. Copilot’s ability to assist with testing, explaining, and generating code has allowed developers to spend more time in a “flow state,” enhancing creativity and problem-solving.

Developers at Volvo Cars are happier and find their work more enjoyable, with 75% noting increased satisfaction. The tool has also improved communication among team members, fostering better interactions and sharper problem-solving.

Anyways, this shows that companies are no longer affraid of using generative AI technologies in practice. Let’s just wait and more of this.