How much does a testing cost and how to estimate it…

BIld av Armin Forster från Pixabay

CSUR5403-53 (

Testing of software systems is a task which costs a lot. As a former tester, I see this as a neverending story – you’re done with your testing, new code is added, you are not done anymore, you test more, you’re done, new code…. and so on.

When I was a tester, there was no tools for automating the test process (we’re talking 1990’s here). Well, ok, there was CppUnit, and it was a great help – I could create a suite and execute it. Then I needed to add new test cases, create functional tests, etc. It was fun, until it wasn’t anymore.

I would have given a lot for having tools for test orchestration back then. A lot of things happened since then. This paper presents a great overview of how testing cost is estimated – I know, it’s not orchestration, but hear me out. I like this paper, because it shows anyways which tools are used, how test cost is estimated (e.g. based on metrics like coverage, effort, etc) and how the tests are evaluated.

I recommend this reading as an overview, a starting point for understanding the testing processes today, and, eventually, to optimize the test processes based on the right premises (not HiPPO).