Back from the hacked…

So, the blog was out for a while. Turned out that the web server that hosted the website was hacked. You could find it ironic, I find it annoying. Here is why.

First of all, we, as a university, outsource this kind of tech to other actors. It makes no sense to build competence about maintaining web servers locally. Yes, we do have the main website, but we should focus on research, education and outreach. So, we trust the partners that they know what they are doing. Turns out this may not always be the case.

Second, this shows that no one is immune any more. The recent attacks on Primula show that this becomes an increased problem (Inga personuppgifter läckte i hackerattacken (

In the work of my team, we try to ensure that these attacks are harder to perform. We create methods and tools that allow to check if the software is secure or not — see this docker container: miroslawstaron/ccsat – Docker Image | Docker Hub. You can use these kind of tools to check if the software that YOU construct is secure, but you can never really be sure about the entire supply chain. Your software may be secure, use MFA and other mechanisms, but if your supplier is vulnerable – not much you can do.

So, with this words of advice – stay safe and keep back-ups!

Author: Miroslaw Staron

I’m professor in Software Engineering at IT faculty. I usually blog about interesting articles (for me) and my own reflections on the development of Software Engineering, AI, computer science and automotive software.