How this world works…. a book to read

So, the holidays are over, a new year starts, new resolutions are made, new projects started. But before we get all stuck in the work, I’d like to share a book suggestion to read on the go.

This book is about the current trends in the modern world. It discusses such aspects as the our dependency on technology, the way we use it to produce food and to make things. It talks about how the current supply chains get disrupted and what we need to do to maintain/regain the balance.

Finally, it talks about the energy, our dependence on the oil energy and on the nuclear power.

However, this is not a doomsday book, quite a contrary. It is a book about the hope in the development of the modern society and how we should contribute to it. I strongly recommend this book as a reading for the evenings, after hearing about the energy crisis. I recommend to take this book in and reflect on the fact that we have achieved a lot and the world is not as scary as the news want it to be, or create it to be.

I hope that you will enjoy the book as much as I do.

Author: Miroslaw Staron

I’m professor in Software Engineering at IT faculty. I usually blog about interesting articles (for me) and my own reflections on the development of Software Engineering, AI, computer science and automotive software.