Developing recommender systems – a framework which may just be the one (for us)…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Creating recommendation systems is a tricky task. We need to add the temporal domain to the data. In particular, we need to make sure that we capture what was recommended before to the specific user and how the user reacted upon that. We also need to capture the evolution of the users and the data.

In this paper, the authors present a framework, RectoLibry, which helps to construct these kind of systems. The system captures both the parts of the development of the recommendations, but also their deployment.

The system is based on designing an ontology (yes, my old, good friend, used since before Web 2.0, even in my own research: , ).

The ontology describes the relationships existing in the recommendation domain and provide the support for the selections and feedback loops.

I recommend to take a look at the paper and the framework if you want to build a recommendation system. I will, when looking at the assignments from the software measurement PhD course.

Generating comments in code – can a machine make our code more readable?

Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay 

Our research team has been working with code comments for a while now. We have done analyses of source code comments and the code that is commented. We have also worked with the needs for code comments.

The results showed that AI support for code reviewing process is very much needed. However, it has also shown that the current tools are not good enough yet. One of the tools is, which analyzes code repository and finds problems in the code. It is a great tool, but it has been trained on large data sets from open source projects, which makes it tricky to use on proprietary software. It does not know how to capture the project specific characteristics.

I’ve recently cam across this article ( which is about generating code comments. It can generate code comments (not review comments) for the Java programming language. It “understands” what the code does and generates a natural language description of the code. The tool is based on the latest work from the NLP domain and has been trained on over 44 million statements, which is quite a number😊

The tool is not perfect (yet), but shows improvement over existing approaches and is definitely opening up new alleys of using NLP in Software Engineering.

Let’s stay tuned, more will come!